Taurus Plus

Taurus Plus Propane Back Office Software

Propane Management Software
Each of your propane customers has unique needs and Taurus Plus Propane Back Office Software can handle those needs.

Taurus Plus Propane Back Office Software offers unlimited drop locations. Each location has unlimited tanks and price tables. Information is tracked by serial number, manufacturer, size, regulator type, gas check date and more. Transfer tanks between locations and keep track of tank movement in history.

Check-off boxes for propane use, pool heating, water heating, home heating, restaurant and more.

Proper tax jurisdiction for each tank makes tax reporting a breeze. Reports are available by city, county, state or federal jurisdiction. Tracks excise, environment, manufacturing, sales tax and more.

Each Prebuy or Cap contract is controlled by date and gallon limits. Multiple customer locations or related accounts can pull from one contract. At the end of the contract will split the delivery between contract price and current price.

Fuel assistance is controlled by either a dollar or gallon limit. A special price, margin or discount combined with in depth report will please the pickiest state agency.

Other pricing options are: margin over rack, pricing table, and cash and various other discounts.

Taurus Plus Propane Back Office Software allows you to automatically schedule deliveries to your customers based on K-Factors (degree days), Julian calendar or weekly route. Each tank is associated with a zone for easier routing. You can cluster deliveries to control travel time and expense. Multiple customer locations are easily managed. Usable tank size, elapsed degree days information and historical fuel usage are all factored into making your degree day deliveries to the most profitable size.

Unlimited metered accounts attached to one batch tank. Convert meter readings to gallons using the correct conversion factor for your meter.

Complete history is kept for viewing in summary or detail.

Taurus Plus Fuels Software interfaces with these truck meters: Liquid Controls, Midcom, F-Ram,  Automatic Wireless and morre.  We can also interface to your Credit Card processor.

© 2010 Taurus-Plus & Taurus Systems Inc.

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